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Friday, July 25, 2008

Prog band list

Here is a extended list of some of the greatest prog bands ever. If you don't know exactly what prog is, here is a quote I a made on KVRaudio that might help you understand.....

"Well, my viewpoint is that Prog's roots come from Jazz, folk and Classical mixed together, so I would think that "prog" as a genre of music is one of the most open-minded (for a lack of a better phrase) out there."

And without further a due, here is the list...

Rush (without a doubt)

Here is part of a quote I wrote on KVRaudio

"I personally only recommend Rush albums from 1976 until 1982. Then newer stuff sounds a bit dry to me, and Getty can't really hit the notes anymore. I guess the same thing happened to Robert Plant."

Genesis (need I say more)

ELP when the P was palmer (Great in the beginning, but lost it latter on)

Gong (I don't know much about these guys, but I think they are from the early days of prog)
jethro tull (not one of my favs, but defiantly prog)

Aphrodites Child (again, I don't know much about these guys, but I will look into them)

Pink Floyd (more psychedelic/mello stuff, but defiantly on the fringes of what is considered prog)

strawbs (Rick Wakemans early band)

Queen (Some may disagree with this one, but they definitely have some proggy stuff) Here is another quote of mine from kvraudio. " Yes, many people forget that Queen and Led Zepplin are basically prog." Thinking about this more, I would say this only applies to half of their discography. These two bands are only part prog.

Here is another quotable statement I made.

"You are telling me that "Stairway to heaven" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" aren't basic prog song structures?"

You can see that I was getting into quite the debate.

Marillion (Great prog from the eighties. Mood and feel simialr to early genesis)

Frank Zappa (I never got into him, but I would like to give a closer listen some day. But what I have heard is a bit too whimsical for my tastes)

Yes (A great staple of progressive rock, nobody can deny)

Gentle Giant (A lesser known name, but definitely a staple of prog)

Here is a selection of great prog albums on ebay.

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